16 WEEKS |
baby: baby pro now weighs in at a whopping three to five ounces, and he’s four to five inches in length. He/she can hear noises since his tiny bones in his ears are in place and functional! I love that his/her tiny little eyebrows, eyelashes and hair is starting to grow! The tiny muscles in his body, especially the ones in his back, are gaining strength, so he can straighten out a little more. Thanks to his/her developing facial muscles, baby can make expressive frowns and squints!
Favorite moment of the week: has to be when Tyler and I went on a hike this past weekend. It was so beautiful & a great time to get to talk to eachother without distractions! Loved getting time away, even if just for a couple of hours!
Miss anything? Miss seeing my precious little nephew. He is doing great and all of the pics my sister sends me are just adorable.
Movement: none yet!
Cravings? Cinnamon crunch bagels from panera.
Sickness? Dull aches in my lower abdomen (uterus)- it’s called “round ligament pain” and it occurs when the ligaments stretch to accommodate the size of the growing uterus (womb).
Gender prediction: I had a dream that I had the baby- I didn’t even have to go through labor (wouldn’t that be nice!!) and I dreamt that i had a boy!!! He was as cute as could be. Tyler still thinks it could be a girl. We are 5 weeks away from finding out & cannot wait!
Labor signs: none
Mood/energy: pretty normal
Sleep: like a baby!
Exercise: considering that all my undertakings right now are pretty active, I am getting plenty of exercise!
Diet/Weight: I will know for sure at my next appointment on Tuesday!
Bump: starting to show a tiny bit! I can still fit in all my regular clothes tho!
Looking forward to: finding out the gender and feeling the first few kicks! It could be any day now!
Thankful for: the students I am teaching at BHS & at Ballet Yahweh! It has been fun getting to know them better and see them using their God-given talents!
Until next time-
Dorothy & baby PRO 🙂