Halfway There & Gender Reveal Party

“Ohhhh we’re halfway there, Oh OOO livin’ on a prayer…”

I CANNOT believe we are halfway through this pregnancy. It seems like this pregnancy is going SO much faster than it did with Audrey Grace. It may be because I have an almost two year old running the house and the only time I get to myself right now is during her nap time. I am so thankful that I am feeling well and my energy has returned (I was SO tired first trimester and had some nausea) but that has waned now. I think Audrey Grace is starting to comprehend that I am having a baby. She lifts up my shirt and says “baby,” gives it a little love pat, and sometimes sings to it. Its the most adorable thing. Another thing Audrey is doing right now that makes my heart melt is when she sings along to the songs I sing to her before bed. She can’t say most of the words but I know what she is saying and what tune she is singing. Its so precious.

Anyway, on to what I originally sat down to write about… WE HAD OUR 21 WEEK ULTRASOUND this week and I am always blown away by the miracle that is PREGNANCY & growing a tiny human!!

We are so excited to announce we are having a…



To be honest, I was really hoping that we would have a boy to balance out our house (Tyler is currently so outnumbered- and even our female dog is pregnant now- we will have cavalier puppies in two weeks!!!) So I just thought it would be fun to experience the best of both worlds and am excited to carry on the Prochazka name! I love that I will have both a boy and a girl and hope they will grow up to be buddies! I can’t wait to see Audrey Grace as a big sister.

Last weekend we gathered a few friends at our house to reveal the gender and it was such a blast!









The decor was so festive and fun! BIG shoutout my friend Jade for setting it all up, getting the food and decor and Felicia for some yummy treats.

“He or She… What will it be?”
Delish by Felish!


Bouncing Boy Punch & Tickled Pink Lemonade




Such a fun and creative way to get great name suggestions. Guests left a name suggestion for their vote!











My dear friends Felicia and Shantell!
Team girl!
The kiddos… Audrey Grace and her friends had fun playing together, climbing up the hill outside, eating the chocolate off of the pretzels (haha!), playing with balloons and swinging!


Here we GOOOO!
Our parents went crazy spraying us with the BLUE Silly String!
WOOHOO! She loved the colored string and the excitement. She is so FUN!
Love that our parents and my little brother could be there to celebrate our little guy!

We can’t wait to meet you Baby Pro!!!

My dress is from one of my favorite online store Pink Blush, you can shop the look here. I’ve also linked a few of my favorite maxi dresses below, all under $50!