It’s official, our hospital bags are packed and ready to go. With my due date coming and going and still no baby, I have a little more time to write this little bonus post. I think with my first I had my bags ready, by like, one month early… this time I waited a bit longer (about one week before), and just kept putting it off. I guess that’s what happens when you have a second child. Now that my due date is here, I’m ready to go into labor and meet this little guy!!
So where to start? What do you need at the hospital? You don’t want to leave out any essentials, but there’s also no reason to overdo things— which is where I hope this post will come in handy! I’ve seen a ton of lists where they include a cute delivery robe but fail to mention the nipple cream and other important “unglamorous” essentials! Hopefully this list will help you to know what you will truly need and what the hospital will provide.
You can read about my postpartum care must haves here! For those just starting out on this pregnancy journey, read my second and third trimester essentials here and here.
ID’s, insurance card, camera, phone charger
Delivery Robe– you are going to want to capture those first sweet moments with your baby and get out of the nasty hospital gown. It’s nice to be able to slip on a clean & comfy robe after labor and take some family shots fresh out of the womb! This robe is the cutest one I found and its a great quality! I will be wearing it a ton at the hospital and slipping it on at home when visitors come over.

Nursing dresses– I ordered two types- this beautiful one that matches my robe, this soft chemise and this one that I thought would be a great lounging dress (shown below). I believe you can’t have enough nursing friendly options that are loose and comfortable for those postpartum days. I am going to be living in these dresses after delivery. SO COMFY and really cute. I ordered these last minute to pack in my bag. These are perfect for nursing. This one is considered a sleep dress, but I wore it as a casual dress with leopard sneakers. I love it so much I want to order more colors!
Nursing tanks & maternity leggings– I used these tanks a ton with Audrey Grace. It was basically my “momiform” for the few weeks after having her and I also wore them our whole breastfeeding journey (20 months). You can wear them with loose fitting pajama pants. I also wore mine with these maternity leggings. They are so soft and help support/shape your postpartum bod! Throw on a cardigan if you have visitors and voila! You feel put together.
Nursing bra- I found these great nursing bras, here and here.) They provide support but are more breathable and comfortable than other bras.
Shower stuff- Shampoo, conditioner, hydrating body wash, and this moisturizing toning oil that helps to reduce stretch marks. I swear by this stuff!
Flip flops and towel for the shower- This is something I didn’t have last time, that I made a mental note to pack. The towels at the hospital are SO DINKY and I remember wishing I had my own towel and brought my own flip flops for the shower.
Wet brush & Hair Dryer- this brush is one of my favorite finds. It allows you to brush your hair while wet, it detangles & de-frizzes and doesn’t pull your hair!
Makeup Bag- a few essentials so I can look halfway presentable and feel like a real human. 🙂 My must haves are this CC-Cream, concealer, bronzer, blush, moisturizing lipstick and mascara.
Breast pads- Whether you plan to breastfeed or not, you will need these pads to absorb milk that starts to flow once your milk “comes in” (about day 2-4). I used these super absorbent ones last time, but since finding out about these“breast shells/milk savers” to put in your bra to catch your milk (to use in a bottle later), I will be using these when I’m at home. I don’t want to waste a precious ounce of breast milk!
Silicone Breast pump- this is not any ordinary breast pump!! This was highly recommended to me from other moms and I have to say its probably one of my best purchases for nursing. This is a simple silicone pump you suction to your breast (on the side you aren’t nursing on) and it “catches” your let down and even gets more! This has helped with keeping my engorgement down and I get at least 2 oz of milk each nursing session! It’s nice to be able to collect that milk without hooking up to a pump machine. Our freezer is going to run out of room- it’s crazy!
Boppy Pillow- It was nice to have a cushy pillow like this one to help lift the baby to the right height to nurse!
Nipple cream- The hospital gave me lanolin, which worked well, but I wanted a more natural and organic cream with no pesticides that was totally safe for baby to nurse, so I bought this kind and am never turning back!
Toiletries- I’m packing my toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, contacts, glasses, razor, etc…
Skin care– I’m packing the bare minimum here. My favorite Tula face wash and the day and night cream. This stuff is amazing and has totally changed the look and feel of my skin. You can click here to receive 20% off your purchase!
Here’s a pin to save for later! Just hover your mouse over the photo and click “save pin.”
For baby:
Take home outfit
2 Sleepers
2 onesies
Muslin Swaddle Blankets
Some have recommended bringing your own pillow and blankets, and that’s totally up to you! The hospital will most likely give you mesh panties, pads, dermo-plast spray, and diapers/wipes for your sweet newborn. Click here to see my “unglamorous” list of postpartum recovery & care essentials!
Now that we are all ready to go, it just time for our little guy to decide HE is ready! Please pray for a safe and speedy labor/delivery and a healthy baby boy!
What were your hospital bag essentials? What were those items you wish you had? Comment and let me know!
Pregnancy post series: If you are just getting started on your pregnancy journey you may find these posts helpful. Click to read below!
What You Really Need on Your Baby Registry
Postpartum Recovery & Care Essentials
Xoxo, Dorothy
Good luck with new arrival. I’m sure whatever you wear your baby will think you’re amazing.
You packed a lot more than I did. My first son, I ove thought everything and brought way too much. My second son, I only stayed in the hospital one night and brought clothes and toiletries and camera and charger and that’s it lol. Always good to be prepared though.
nice roundup! i packed almost none of this in my hospital bag, you will be very prepared!
Thanks so much! Yes it was exactly what I needed!
Yes to this! I second the nursing pillow and nursing camis. I also packed ear plugs and an eye mask the second time around so I could sleep at any chance I was afforded. 😉
Great ideas on the ear plugs and eye mask!
Sounds like your ready to go! Great list!
Thank you!!!
We used literally 5% of what we packed! Next time, we are going minimallllll! Great share mama!
Thank you!!! Yeah, no need for excess!!
Great list! Love that delivery robe – gorgeous! Good luck 🙂
Thanks so much!!!
Great ideas! I love that first dress, I wish I would have packed better after my births.