Exciting news!

Coming soon in March 2016, we will be welcoming a new family member! And… this time its not a puppy. πŸ™‚ 

Tyler and I can’t wait to welcome home this new bundle of joy and experience being parents together! 

On July 2nd we found out some very surprising, life-changing, exciting news that we are expecting a little baby PRO!!! We found out shortly after we arrived in Nebraska for the Prochazka family reunion.  When the test came back positive, we both laughed, hugged and were filled with excitement and a little bit of nerves! We couldn’t believe we were going to have a baby in less than a year! We immediately had to keep it cool. We knew we wanted to tell our families at just the right time. We also needed time to process it ourselves! It was kind of fun to have a secret between the two of us. No one knew just yet…

After our summer was over, we finally broke the news to our parents and family in some fun ways when they came to visit us. They were extremely shocked and elated to finally be grandparents! I will make a separate post with those stories of how we told them and their reactions! πŸ™‚ Also, we are really excited to share that my sister Stephanie & her husband are due any day now with their first child. We   can’t wait to see and love on the new baby when he/she arrives! So happy that my sister and I are going to have our little bundles of joy about 6 months apart! Grateful she is right ahead of me in this ball game!

I am 11 weeks along and so far pregnancy has treated me well! Thank the Lord~ I will try my best to give “bumpdates” along the way!

Of course, Darling had to get in on the action, too. We know that she will be the BEST toy tester!

We are excited to go through this journey together and appreciate the love, prayers and encouragement of our friends and family as we bring new life into this world!  It takes a village to raise a child and we want to thank you for being a part of ours! We are thankful God has given us the gift of life and the privilege of becoming parents! 

Shout out to my incredibly talented and sweet friend Felicia with FJdesigns for these awesome photos! Also, thanks for keeping it a secret for so long! πŸ™‚ You are the best! Check out more of her amazing work here!


Dorothy and Tyler (And Darling, too!)