28 & 29 Week “Bumpdate” Third Trimester Begins!

The last two weeks have been a blast and also such a whirlwind! As the semester came to a close, our calendars were filled with Christmas parties, dance team & ballet Christmas performances, lots of shopping (mostly online this year), and preparing to meet our newest addition in March. It has been a fun and exciting time in our lives. Crazy we only have 11 more weeks (give or take) until we meet this precious little lady.

28 weeks! 

29 weeks! 
Audrey Grace is 15.2-16.7 inches long and weighs anywhere from 2.5-3.8 lbs and is growing rapidly everyday! She will double, even triple in weight as she packs on that precious little baby fat that is making her energy surge and will keep her warm once born. Her living space is getting a little crammed and it makes it easy to feel any kicks or jabs she makes! 

At our last prenatal appointment Audrey Grace measured right on track and my doctor said she may be around 7lb 8 oz when born, which is how much I weighed when I was born! One of my pregnancy apps compares the babies growth to games or toys. This week Audrey Grace is the size of a Barbie convertible! Beep beep! Better watch out! 😉

Favorite moment of the week: Getting to celebrate Christmas with Tyler, Robyn, John! Loved getting to visit and spend about a week with them. While we were there, some family & friends on Tylers side threw us our first baby shower for Audrey Grace. It was so much fun! We feel so grateful for the love & support as we prepare for her arrival. 
Movement:  I feel her move several times throughout the day and especially at night. I am feeling stronger movements and yesterday was the first time I could actually see her move just from watching my stomach! It was amazing to see her roll, kick and change positions. It’s so fascinating! 
Cravings? Bagel bites and HOT CHOCOLATE! <3 
Sickness? No sickness-  Only occasional aches/pains. My feet have started to hurt a little bit & I continue to have mid back pain if sitting for too long! 
Labor signs: None, thank the Lord! 
Mood/energy: Feeling great. Energy level has been normal. Feeling some “nesting” symptoms coming on soon! 
Sleep: Only recently has it gotten harder to roll to my other side because of my belly! It takes more effort but still sleeping pretty well once I get comfy! 
Exercise: PiYo 2-3x a week.  (Pilates/yoga/strength training) and some hand weights. I was invited to co-lead a Piyo class while in Nebraska and it was really fun! I really enjoyed getting to meet another Piyo instructor and lead a class together. 
Diet/Weight: At my last appointment at 27 weeks I had gained 16lbs total which is great! Doctor said I will probably gain around 8-10lbs in the next 11 weeks as Audrey should nearly double/triple her weight before she makes her debut! 
Looking forward to: We are on our way to visit my family in Arkansas and all my siblings and new nephew will be there! I can’t wait to hug and snuggle with him and get to hangout with my family! 
Thankful for: This stage of life! Really enjoying pregnancy and the excitement continues to build as we wait till her arrival! We will be busy setting up her crib, a beautiful new cradle and rocker/reclining chair from Tylers parents! Can’t wait to decorate her room. 🙂