Well, it’s been quite some time since I have updated this blog. In fact, I documented the entire pregnancy journey but never even wrote a post once Audrey Grace was born (face palm). I guess that shows you how much our life changed as soon as she came and how busy I got as a new mom! These two years flew by and I still never got around to updating until now! So, I will try and catch you up to speed with giving you a snapshot of our lives (Yes, we are expecting baby number 2 in June!!!)… and share some of what I have learned (and am still learning) as a new mother.
First lesson I learned…
Time to heal, time to recover, time to adjust to this new life with a baby. You just gave birth to a precious human being!! Give yourself time to rest & enjoy your sweet newborn. It’s a beautiful time. Having a baby is one of the biggest life adjustments you will ever make! Theres a huge responsibility placed on you for another life that you never had before. It all sinks in when the baby is crying and your not sure what to try next. My first piece of advice is to GIVE YOUR SELF TIME. Yes, a lot of things will come naturally and nurturing may come easy, but learning your new little one will take time. The first 4-6 weeks were trial & error/survivor mode as we tried to get to know Audrey and become acquainted with her needs. At the beginning of our breastfeeding journey I honestly felt like a “milk machine” since we were nursing so frequently. It seemed like thats all I was doing. No one can prepare you for that, but I am so glad I had so much support and care during the first few weeks and I am truly feel grateful for my family and husband for their support and encouragement to keep going when it got tough. I am SO glad we did and I have grown to enjoy nursing and bonding with Audrey Grace in this specific way. Breastfeeding definitely takes time to get used to but its so worth it in the end if you are able to do it! It takes practice, patience and persistence and soon it becomes so natural and second nature. Remember during these first few weeks to give yourself grace as you start on this new parenting journey. During the first 6 weeks, I remember thinking “WOW! I have a huge respect for moms!” I definitely learned that motherhood takes sacrifice. Sacrifice of your time, your energy, your body, your sleep, etc… I always knew this, but never really appreciated moms like I do now. I have a new respect and admiration for all moms out there. *Thank you to my own mom who birthed me and raised me- only now do I truly understand how much you went through to bring me into this world!*
I just want to give a SHOUT OUT TO ALL YOU MOMMAS out there that are reading this! YOU are doing a great job!! God knew you would be the best mom for your little one. No one else is meant to be their mom! I know being a mom comes with all kinds of ups and downs, spit up, lots of dirty diapers and no time for you to shower in peace. HA! Â It can seem like such a thankless and mundane job… but remember- every little moment is laying the foundation and helping to shape them into who they will be. Even when the day is long, just remember- loving and caring for your baby (or babies) is the best work we can delight in doing! Help other moms know they are not alone and that you are in this together. I have really enjoyed doing playdates, joining a mops group and being around other moms. It helps to know that you are all in it together.
Its hard not to compare yourself or your baby (“Her baby is sleeping through the night ALREADY?” “Their baby is so good at restaurants.” “Their baby is already saying those words?” etc.) When we compare our lives we can fall into a state of being discouraged. Just remember, other moms are going through exactly the same things and I KNOW we all fall into comparing ourselves to that mom on instagram that looks like she has it all together. Trust me, comparing yourselves will just steal your joy and bring about undue worries or anxiety.
“Enjoy these moments, because they will be over before you know it” or “time will fly by” are some of the most cliche statements that you will hear repeatedly when raising children, but it is also one of the most TRUTHFUL statements you will hear. I am learning to not pass off one phase for the next and stop longing for the next stage. I am still learning that every stage and new developments come with new challenges and excitements and I want to try to embrace and learn in each stage.  I know that difficult seasons WILL pass and one day we will look back and wonder where all the time went! I hope and pray that we will rely on God for strength and patience to be the best moms for our children and to thank Him for entrusting us with these precious gifts to raise.
So CHEERS to all you mommas out there. Remember to give yourself time, speak encouragement to other moms, try to uplift instead of compare, and enjoy the ride!
What are some things you have learned/are learning as a new mom? I’d love to hear from you! Drop a comment below!
Lots of love,
Dorothy Pro