38 Week “Bump Date” (2 WEEKS LEFT!)

We are now in week 38 and only have two weeks left until our little guy makes his debut. In this waiting and time of anticipation I have so many questions swirling around in my head. “When is this little guy going to make his debut?” “How long will it take?” “Will it be similar to my labor with Audrey Grace?” “Should I go all natural like I did with Audrey Grace, or get an epidural?” So many questions and things to think about! With two weeks left, hopefully this will be my last “bump date” I have time to write.

Baby update:

At 38 weeks pregnant, John William is as big as a winter melon. He is about 19.6 inches long and his head is about the same circumference as his abdomen. Average baby weight at 38 weeks is 6.8 pounds. Sounds a lot like a birth weight to me! At my last couple of appointments I was dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced. I go in for my next appointment on Wednesday! Hopefully these Braxton Hicks contractions are helping my body progress and get ready for labor. I definitely want him to “bake” as long as he needs to, but MAN- pregnancy can get challenging and uncomfortable, especially towards the end!

What I’m Wearing:

I have been finding the best tops and dresses from my favorite maternity shop for trendy clothes, Pink Blush Maternity. I found the CUTEST blue gingham maxi dress that truly makes me feel so southern and kind of like I’m Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. 🙂 You can shop my look here! 


This dress even has hidden pockets!!

This dress is so perfect for during pregnancy and after! If you need any maternity (and non) you should definitely check out Pink Blush! Check out all their gorgeous dresses to dress the bump, here!


He moves a ton. If I eat anything sweet or lie really still I can feel him having a party in my belly! It’s funny though because I will tell Tyler to quickly come feel and then the movements will stop. HA! Must be a little shy or something. 😉


Tyler actually made the remark “This pregnancy has not been near as fun because you haven’t had any cravings!” Ha! Last time I craved anything pizza, popcorn and cookies and Tyler was a beneficiary. I remember ordering pizza and making cookies late at night during last pregnancy. Not so much this time! Sorry Tyler!

Favorite moment of the week:

Definitely had to be seeing Audrey Grace dance to “You are My Sunshine” at her first dance recital. She LOVED being on stage and performing the dance. I think she would have stayed up there if I would have let her. It was fun being able to teach her in her first dance class as well. She and my other students were such a joy to teach this year. I was also super proud of my other tap classes for dancing their hearts out! They all did a great job.

Looking forward to:

All the firsts with John William. Meeting him, holding him, nursing him and just getting to love on him! I can’t wait to see Tyler have his first son and so excited to see Audrey Grace as a big sister. I’m excited to see her “hold” him and give him kisses.


I’ve had pretty good energy, but definitely try to take naps and get off my feet during the day. I’m such an “on the go” person that I have to consciously decide to sit and take a break! It’s gotten a lot harder to get around and I feel like I have a waddle going on at this point. I did get overcome with emotions last week and got super sentimental about how fast Audrey is growing and I want it to slow down! Also felt a bit overwhelmed about having two kids and keeping up with my jobs outside the home. Tyler reassured me that it will all workout and that I will do a great job! Just praying for the adjustment to go smoothly and to have peace and strength though it all even when sleep is scarce.


I’ve been sleeping a lot better the last couple of weeks now that I have my own sound machine! I wake up during the night to go to the bathroom but can usually go back to sleep quickly. PRAISE THE LORD! Because before the last couple of weeks, I could not get good sleep. Since we moved Audrey into her toddler bed, she has been waking up earlier (around 6:15am) so Tyler and I have been trying to get to bed a little earlier in order to maximize sleep! Hopefully this “okay to wake” alarm we just ordered will help her stay in bed and know when its okay to come out.


Now that I’m finished with teaching workout classes (made it to week 28!) and recital was this weekend, I’m officially on my “summer break.” I’m so glad I stayed active during this pregnancy and will miss all my fitness and dance students this summer! I’m definitely glad to enter this time of rest before the baby comes though!


I am 153lbs now (started pregnancy at around 130lbs) and am gaining weight at the same exact rate I did with Audrey Grace. I probably have 1-2 more pounds to go before he comes!

Growing bump tip:

With such rapid growth, this all-natural skin toning oil and moisturizing body wash has been a LIFE saver for me. It’s especially hydrating and I feel like my skin drinks it right up! It has helped to tone and hydrate my skin as my belly grows. Itchy belly- be gone! So far I haven’t gotten any stretch marks (which is partially genetics) but I definitely think this has helped because I lather up with this toning oil and body wash duo almost everyday.


We are pretty much finished with his nursery! We decided to do a mountain theme with grey, mint, and navy. It’s such a cute little room, I’ll have to blog about it soon!

Fun tid-bit for other pregnant mamas… I just received a free welcome kit sent to me from Amazon JUST for creating a registry and adding items to each category!! You can get one too by clicking here: Shop Amazon – Create an Amazon Baby Registry! The welcome box was filled with a full size swaddle blanket, sample diapers/wipes/body wash from numerous companies, which is perfect to help you decide on what brand(s) you want to use and keep on your registry. You also get 15% off anything still left on your registry! I love getting *fun* things in the mail! Click here to get yours!

Thankful for:

I am super thankful for all the support and prayers from my friends and family. I ask for continued prayers for a healthy baby and safe, smooth delivery and recovery.

Thanks for following our journey! Hopefully next time you see me, I’ll have a cute little baby boy in my arms.

xoxo, Dorothy

Pregnancy post series: If you are just getting started on your pregnancy journey you may find these posts helpful. Click to read below!

What You Really Need on Your Baby Registry

Second Trimester Must Haves

Third Trimester Must Haves

Postpartum Recovery & Care Essentials














