John William’s Newborn Pictures & One Month Update

Houston, We Have a One Month Old!

Wow, I can’t believe John William is one month old already! When Tyler mentioned last week that he was almost one month old, I kind of had a mini freak out session. There’s something about realizing our “newborn” is not always going to be a newborn.  It is exciting, but also scary and kind of upsetting. Which, if I am honest, the newborn stage was my least favorite stage with Audrey Grace. I felt overwhelmed at times trying to figure out what different cries meant, learning to breastfeed, sleepless nights and changing lots (& lots) of diapers. Tyler and I both were sleep deprived, stressed and in survival mode for the first 6 weeks.

Enjoying Each Phase

This second time around has still been exhausting and had its challenges, but we both felt more prepared and had better expectations going into it. I am soaking in the newborn snuggles and taking to heart that this stage does end and it will be over faster than we think. In someways we will miss this stage: the constant snuggles, the long naps no matter where he is, and the precious little baby burrito in the swaddle.  But in other ways we are excited for the next phase when his personality starts to show, he starts to interact more, & we see constant new developmental milestones.

It Just Keeps Getting Better

With Audrey Grace, each stage has been more fun and rewarding than the last. Every age just keeps getting better and better! If I learned anything from being a mom with Audrey, it is to ENJOY. To soak in the moments and don’t wish away the season you are in. Don’t try to rush the phase or skip to the next completely. Every season comes to an end, it WILL come in due time and things will get easier. Just try to cherish the moments and enjoy it while it lasts.

One Month Update

We are truly enjoying our new son. We love seeing Audrey Grace giggle when she holds him close and he accidentally “eats” her nose or swats at her face. She loves getting his toes wet in the water when they take baths, or “helping” to change his diaper. She finds it really funny when we put John William in his swing. She has the best little giggle & is loving being a big sister!

Currently John William is loving bath time and totally relaxes in the warm water. He loves cuddles with mommy & daddy, riding in the car seat, and listening to music. He loves to be wrapped up and held in fuzzy blankets. He doesn’t like to be put down if he is awake. He is asleep a lot throughout the day and breastfeeds every 2-3 hours. Sometimes he will cluster feed before bed and is starting to sleep longer stints at night. I think he is getting up to eat 1-3 times in the night- depending on what time our night starts. We have been trying to go to bed at a decent time now that we know we will have to be up around 6am for our little toddler. We *kind of* knew what to expect with a newborn and we are starting to find a new “rhythm” with our little family of four.

Babies Don’t Keep

John William is starting to fill out nicely with a double chin and thicker thighs on his little bird legs. (Ha!) He is really long making him 99th percentile for height. He is gaining great and already in the 84th percentile for weight.  He is wearing newborn & 0-3 month clothes & JUST graduated from NB diapers. He is so precious, really chill (for the most part!), and living his best life as a newborn. 🙂

We are honored and thrilled to be his parents and excited for the next stage, but TRULY trying to cherish this one…


The dress I am wearing is one of my favorites from Pink Blush! It’s beautiful, comfortable and also nursing friendly. You can shop this dress (ivory floral wrap dress) and other similar styles here. Click here to get 20% off your order!

Thanks for following our journey. Love you all!

XOXO, Dorothy



Pregnancy post series: If you are just getting started on your pregnancy journey you may find these posts helpful. Click to read below!

What You Really Need on Your Baby Registry

Second Trimester Must Haves

Third Trimester Must Haves

Postpartum Recovery & Care Essentials

What I’m (Really) Packing in My Hospital Bag

